Please bear with my rambling or else just go away...
GOd knows when i'll ever stop talking... or i mean, typing. I'm bored, as everyone could see... and i just can't be bothered with eating my lunch any longer. I'm experimenting with fortunecity actually... people say that it's better than angelfire... i certainly would have to agree... but who cares, this is only HTML web design sites... only things you do when you've got nothing else to do... for example, me. But then again, school life compromises of nothing but mucking around... with as many stupid things as you possibly can. Except the HSCs though... well, that's yr 12. I'm only in yr 11... so i'm just gonna take it easy for now. Do i always say this? If that's what you're asking me right now... then yes. I'm always blerrghhh... lazy...
Now as you may have noticed from above, i just love doing the dot dot dot thing. Simply irristible. Hey, imagine having a life of dots. I mean... isn't that just good? Writing essays will compromise of dots and that the lowest mark you could possibly get is dot dot dot. So there's no more restrictions on the criterea of your essay and ra ra ra. Dotting your life all along.
Right opposite me i'm looking at a blonde who i imagine as a racist bitch. I heard stories about her... and personally, she believes she's just hot stuff. But well, i can't say anymore coz i don't really know her that well. Check her out on Alibrandi crap. Just a snapshot of her waving around behind the fence.
The weather today is just mad! Can't see a single thing through the mist. Tomorrow's paper is gonna be filled with lots of plane crashes. Something to look forward to... at least. And it's absolutely freezing cold here. My roommate apparently had the heater on full heat last night... i thought i was going to suffocate from the fumes. I think it's just as bad living in Malaysia with a heater on in cold weather. Grateful that i had several ice cubes melting underneath me... now don't think that i've pissed on my bed. Although my bed sheets are all yellow. They're just water, alright? And if you like to know, nearly everything in my room is yellow. That probably answers your question, Adam. I've got the best pyjamas everyone!!!! it's yellow with pink piglets. Such a pity there's no one born with yellow skin. I'll like that very much. Yellow just makes me smile. Not that it's the color of smilie faces but coz... it's just cute. Ok alright... i'll stop obsessing over yellow. My previous obsession was bright pink... which made everyone sick. Having a whole room with florescent pink could possibly make you blind. Exactly what i'm doing to my own eyes right now.